• The once beautiful and colorful Monga looked dead, most people lost the vigor to continue living and doing the things they love because they lost the energy. Famine caused Monga harm, there were a bunch of angry people on the street because they hardly had anything to eat. Some people left the city for greener pastures elsewhere, and some stayed hoping that it will soon be over but it became worst.
    "Guys, who’s ready for dinner?” Kuri asked with a big smile on her face.
    “Huh, I thought we were having the leftover from yesterday. What’s with the bread and bacon? We should not be eating this” Wani said.
    After Wani spoke, Peng sniffled her laughter.
    “What’s so funny, little penguin?’’ Wani asked.
    “Nothing. I just found it funny, you know? What you said - coming from the one who’d give her tail for a bite of a tasty meal.” Peng mocked.
    “What? Did you just mock me? Oh my, I’m going to kill you Penguin.”
    Wani moved over furiously but was abruptly stopped by Farren.
    “Farren, are you ok? You don’t look good.” Kuri asked.
    “Nothing. I’m only thinking about how Halloween will be this year. Everything is upside down and I’m not even feeling the Halloween spirit in the air now, as it should be. And there’s my tap dancing too; it’s bad enough that I can’t go to tap lessons because I don’t have a lower part, now there’s no tap lesson anymore because teachers and students don’t have food to eat. Once it’s a problem with food, everyone’s affected, including a ghost like me. Monga used to be such a fun and lively place to live before all these unfortunate events started” Farren complained.
    “I understand. We all cannot do what we love anymore. I can’t pick flowers for fun because I always think of how to convert them into food. Wani can’t sit and enjoy the sun anymore with a hungry stomach and Peng doesn’t have the strength to swim anymore like she used to love. She can’t make snowballs to throw at Wani to annoy her anymore. Her mouth is the only thing she relies on to do that now.”
    “Hmm, hmm. Thank you, Wani for that emotional speech which was very untimely and unappreciated. As I was saying before the alligator rudely interrupted, we can’t afford to eat something like this, not in this situation. We don’t know when things will be back to normal and we can’t say for how long we’ll be in this mess.” Peng added.
    “Guys, relax, ok? We have neighbors whom I believe would be very generous with their food, you know? With a little prank and fear.” Farren said with a mischievous grin, but Wani wasn’t having any of that.
    “You think we’re all like you, Farren? The whole town knows you enjoy scaring the daylight out of people and playing pranks on them. If you weren’t a ghost already, I’d say that would be the death of you. Kuri, could you pass me a cup, please.”
    “Sure, Wani.” Kuri quickly entered the kitchen to grab a cup for her sister. Farren was not pleased with Wani’s comment.
    “Hey! What’s your problem? You should be thanking me for at least coming up with something. After all, I’m a ghost and I can survive without food; I eat for the fun of it. I’m just trying to help you.”
    ‘’Guys, can we just—"
    “Shh! Shut up everyone, it’s the news!” Peng picked up the remote and increased the Tv volume.
    “… Sadly, another farm and storage facility has been completely burnt down by an inferno last night. The government of Oak City has made negotiations with neighboring cities in an attempt to put an end to the uneventful happenings and intense famine ongoing in the city. The government has also pleaded with the citizens to endure and exercise more patience until—"
    Wani angrily put off the Tv.
    “Hey, why did you do that?” Farren asked.
    “What’s the point of watching the news when they’ve got nothing to do about all these? They’ve been saying the same thing for the past three months and there’s nothing to show for it. They come out and tell us to be more patient, that they have a plan. Another farm and storage have been destroyed again. Then, suddenly, something happens behind the scene. It’s like something keeps sabotaging their plans or they never intended to end this in the first place.”
    “Wani, are you insinuating that there’s someone behind all this?” Farren asked, raising an eyebrow.
    “I don’t know, just saying.” Wani answered with a shrug.
    “Come on guys, that’s not the case. Even if that were true, who are we to do anything? Let’s just focus on how to survive till an end comes to this.” Peng added.
    “Yeah, guys. That’s our main responsibility.” Kuri chipped in.
    Two days later. Wani and Kuri were on their way to their daily jobs when they noticed that the environment was a bit bubbly.
    “Is It just me or is this street a bit more lively than usual?” Kuri asked.
    “I bet something happened between last night and this morning. We live in the same neighborhood with all these people and we are just the only ones completely oblivious of what it is.” Wani responded as she tried to hide her disappointment.
    “Maybe we could ask one of them?” Kuri suggested.
    “Well, we do not exactly have that kind of relationship with people, remember? All thanks to the naughty and mischievous Farren. I don’t just get it. She likes to scare people and now people are afraid of us.”
    “Well, she’s a ghost and that’s what ghosts do, remember? Don’t worry, I’ll ask around then.” Kuri quickly stopped a guy who was walking towards them for the information.
    “Apparently, someone gave out food for free and the sacks have the name ‘DUKE’ on them.”
    “No way! You mean to tell me that amid this food shortage, someone actually has so much food that he’s giving it away for free, not even selling it at a cheap price but free?”
    The guy simply smiled and walked away. Kuri stopped to face Wani, who was skeptical.
    “Can you believe that? It sounds ridiculous, but seeing everyone looking happy for a change, it must be true.”


  • “Calm down, Wani. If the whole town is benefitting from this, I see no reason why we shouldn’t join them.” Kuri replied.

    “Well, I suppose you’re right but we should inform the others before we do anything.”
    “Alright. I’ll send the message to the others and, also, try to find out where people are getting the food.”
    Wani and Kuri continued their stroll to their place of work but all through the walk, the idea of a mysterious man giving out food for free did not really sit well with Wani. She found it difficult to believe and thought it must be one of the politicians with political ambitions who just seized the opportunity to buy the masses to his side.