Paradise Circus Part 4

Paradise Circus Part 4


As Kudi opened the door of the inner chamber of the closet, there was Voodoo, tied up and unconscious. He had a tear in his stomach. Keto turned to Kudi



“Alright, genius, how do we wake Voodoo up?”



“This one is easy – just smack him on the head real hard.”



Keto believed that to be bullshit, but gave Voodoo a couple of hard smacks on the head. As that was going on, they were interrupted by Purple Queen who walked in just then. She was horrified to see what they were doing.



“No! What are you doing?”



Suddenly, Voodoo jerked into consciousness. He was dizzy at first, looking around while trying to figure out where he was. When his eyes rested on Purple Queen, he was suddenly filled with rage.



“You! You drugged me and kidnapped me, forcefully used my powers for your selfish desires.”



Keto jumped between Voodoo and Queen.



“Now calm down dude, I think you’re mistaking this. She didn’t do this to you, Granddaddy did.”



“No, she did and made it seem like it was Granddaddy, in case anyone ever found out. Look closer into the closet.”



Kudi and Mushroom looked into the closet and found something else.



“Keto, it’s another doll with Granddaddy’s face pinned on it and covered in wax just like the ones we saw in Granddaddy’s tent.”



Keto backed out immediately after he heard that, and Voodoo steadily advanced towards Purple Queen, revealing what happened.



“She knew it would not be easy for her to directly take control of Paradise Circus – the Space Queen would definitely not allow that to stand if she ever found out. She therefore resorted to ruling behind the curtain, by controlling the legitimate leader.”



The rest of them nodded in comprehension.



“I knew it! Granddaddy would not put his two loyal followers, White and Pink Rhino, under enchantment.”



Keto always hated it whenever his brother was right and he was wrong, as he believed he was the smarter one. 



“Oh shut up, Kudi.”



But Voodoo was having none of that, he was extremely mad at Purple Queen. He was used to getting whatever he wants with his powers, and knowing that someone else made him a tool, and his powers were used for the benefit of someone other than him greatly infuriated him. He moved even closer to Purple Queen.



“You have crossed my path. Great pain and torment await anyone who crosses my path.”



Out of nowhere, Voodoo brought out pins and prepares to prick himself, despite Purple Queen’s desperate pleas for mercy and forgiveness.



“With each prick, your agony will grow, till the heart is pierced and you’re left in darkness.”



“Please! Have mercy, I’ll do anything to make it up to you.”



“A pin to the joint, to immobilize you”



Purple Queen screamed in pain and fell to the floor, unable to move.



“A pin to the eye, to blind you.”



Purple Queen gave out another scream – she had become blind. 



“Please Stop! I’ll do all your tasks for a whole month.”



The others, who were previously enjoying the show, were now afraid. Keto summoned the courage to try to stop Voodoo.



“I think you’ve made your point man; she’s learned her lesson. Have some pity on her.”



Voodoo paid no attention to Keto.



“And a pin to the heart, to end all.”



As he slowly brought the pin close to his heart to prick it, Purple Queen screamed out the best offer she could think of.



“I’ll provide all the joints you can smoke for the next six months. Just please…”



That seemed to do the trick as Voodoo dropped the pin and changed his countenance immediately; he smiled.






Voodoo removed the pins in his eye and joint and Purple Queen could see and move again. The others were shocked. Mushroom sat down, relieved that the tension was over.



“Dude! What just happened?”



Voodoo smiled.



“Come on, Mushroom, you didn’t think I would actually kill her, did you? I just wanted to scare her a little so she wouldn’t dare mess with me again. I also wanted to see what I could benefit from the situation since she used me.”



“There’s something I’m curious about though. Why didn’t you put Kudi and I under enchantment like the rest?”



Purple Queen rolled her eyes at Keto with disdain.



“Because you guys are clowns. If you’re under enchantment, then you would be zombies just like the rest – your behavior and utterances will no longer be that of clowns, and that will raise suspicion more quickly.” 



“That makes sense. So, how do we free the others?”



“I freed them the moment woke up. Now, I need to go stitch up the tear in my belly, and I need lots of joints to get me through that.”



He stared at Purple Queen who understood what he meant immediately and brought out her stash of weed from her purse and gave it to him. Keto’s eyes lit up when he saw the weed.



“Holy smoke! Is that the maui wowie?



“Don’t even go there, man. This is all for me. See you later fellas.”



Mushroom laughed hard as he watched Keto make a mock expression of sadness as Voodoo walked away with all the weed Purple Queen had given him.



“Don’t worry dude. Now that all this is over, I’ll get you that weed sooner than you expect.”



Keto grinned from ear to ear.



“Well, I’m just glad everything is back to normal in this freak show.”




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